#1 The Way You Smell

Your scent is crucial when it comes to enhancing one’s appearance as it is a silent and subconscious way in which people find you attractive and your beauty enchanting.
Take the time to find a range of scents that aren’t too bland but not too overwhelming.
Find a perfume or body mist that has a rich but a subtle smell so that it will be appealing to the nose.
Smell amazing
#2 Beautify Your Nails

Another simple touch that can add more detail and beauty in regards to your appearance.
Clean your nails, pay attention to the length of your nails, you might want to add a very warm colour to your nails or just paint it with a clear nail polish.
Whatever you do, make sure that they are pleasant to any eye that glances at them.
Beautify your nails
#3 Groom Your Brows

This is not as often overlooked as many have realised that this simple action can really add to your beauty and overall appearance.
Not grooming your eyebrows can really change how your face looks and you will see the difference when you finally take the time to groom and care for those brows.
Groom those brows
#4 Ditch Wrinkles

No, I’m not talking about the fine lines on your face but rather your clothing.
Get into the habit of picking up that iron and ironing every single clothing that needs to be ironed.
Even if no one is going to see that shirt you’re wearing under your blazer, still iron it as it will still add to your beauty and appearance.
#5 Clean Your Morning Eyes
Don’t you dare leave the house without taking the time to sit in front of a mirror and wipe those morning dew out of the corner of your eyes.
It’s important to be alert, awake and ready especially when you go out.
Not doing something as simple as this can really diminish your overall appearance and make it uncomfortable for people to look directly in your eyes when conversing with you.
So, please, please, please take a tiny portion of your time to do this.
#6 Face Hair

The hair on your face is faint and quite dull and isn’t really too much of a bother.
However, getting rid of these small, thin, faint hair can really add a smooth, soft and radiant glow to your face therefore enhancing your appearance and making the appliance your makeup even better.
So, give it a go if you’re comfortable doing so.
#7 Waxy Ears
As much as the wax in our ears is useful, it still can be gross and unappealing to see.
So make sure that you take the time to clean the visible area of your ears that is on display.
Neglecting and overlooking the simple things can really cause the utmost embarrassment in our lives.
So, make sure to set aside a minute everyday to observe and care for your ears.
#8 Soft Hands
Having really soft hands, believe it or not, is a very simple and attractive touch to have.
It gives you the instant appeal and impression of being graceful, sophisticated and elegant.
Having soft and warm hands can be achieved by moisturising everyday and getting rid of callus.
Cold, hard hands can portray you as an anxious or shy person and in some cases it can give the impression of one being controlling and too serious.
#9 Grow Your Lashes
This is another great way to frame and give the face more beauty as growing your lashes can really change your appearance for the better.
Although time and patience are the best ways to grow long lashes, adding coconut oil or castor oil to your lashes can also help them to grow long, healthy and thick.
I also love using a clear, conditioning mascara to accentuate the beauty of my lashes even more.
Make those lashes pop
#10 Breath Freshener
I’m sure you definitely understand why this is a simple but a really effective and crucial way in enhancing your overall beauty.
So I won't even speak on it :)
So here’s a quote for you to take whilst you leave:
People will stare. Make it worth their while.
Here’s a summary of what you’ll need in order to enhance your appearance:
Make sure you smell amazing
Beautify your nails
Groom your brows
Ditch wrinkles
Clean your morning eyes
Get rid of the small hairs on your face
Clean your ears
Moisturise your hands
Grow your lashes
Stock up on breath fresheners
Well, That’s It Folks…
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