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11 Toxic Habits That Make You Less Attractive

I mean, am I the only one who gets so angry that the number of fat cells in my dynamite ass is somehow representative of my worth? That elementary school girls are putting their magic aside and starving themselves to feel good enough? Excuse my language, but f*ck that noise. It's time to evolve. To curate (or not curate) our appearances if we want to, then call it a day and get on with the act of being a complex and powerful human.

So this list of beauty tips is going to be a little bit different. It's going to focus on things that affect your inner beauty. Because no matter how much you want to celebrate your outer beauty (which is totally fine, don't get me wrong) it's about time we put the same level of importance on what kind of people we're thriving to be (besides conventionally hot ones).

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1. Snarking

If I had three feminist wishes, I'd use the third one to make being snarky and judgmental uncool. I don't know why judging other people on their shoes, hair, nails, clothes, etc, is so funny and satisfying, but I do know that it does more harm than good. We've all done it. Even if just in our heads. And it's the kind of thing that contributes so much toxic energy to the world. Try to be mindful today of all the times you look at a person and immediately make some kind of judgement about their appearance. You might surprise yourself. Train your mind instead to look at people and see that we're all connected, and we're all just doing the best we can. Don't be a part of the snark culture that just tears others down.

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