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How to remove blackheads instantly ~Morningko

Just like any other type of acne, Blackheads are tricky an stubborn to treat. It’s easy to pick one, but the later time you notice a maltitude of them back again. while It might be fun to play to pick it up, but if it keep coming back then you can get crazy over it. In your crowd busy lifestyle, you probably hard to dedicated yor time for getting rid of those backheads on your face. So what can you do?

In this article, we will discuss and share all of the important thing you need to know about blackhead. Especially thing that you can do to get rid of blackheads effectively. Let’s get started

What Is Blackheads?

Blackhead is a form of acne, where this is the result of clogged pores of hair folicles. The dead skin cells and impurities that accumulate on skin and  blocked the open pores resulted this type of acne (blackheas). Blackheads look like black tiny bumps on skin in black color.

You can find it mostly on the t-zone area (nose, forehead and chin). Also blackhead can appear on the neck, back, chest, arms or even on the shoulder.

What Causes Blackheads?

Many factors can triggers blackheads appearance. Here are the most common which ncrease the developing of blackheads :

  • Hormonal changer : during puberty, period, pregnancy or taking birth control will make you onto hormonal changes. Underoging hormonal changes can cause an increase in oil production which can lead into excess oil, clogged pores and eventually come as blackheads.
  • Too much production of skin cells increase developing of blackheads.
  • Using cosmetics can block skin pores, thereby triggering blacheads.
  • Health condition like stress, PCOS and even PMS can lead into blackheads
  • Irtitaion of hair folicles while your dead skins cell don’t shed on its regular basis.
  • The buildup of the Cutibacterium acnes bacteria on the skin.

Research also shows some foods like high glycemic food that can increase blood sugar level drastically  can increase the risk of getting acne.

Read : Bad and Good Foods or Acne | How To Get Rid of Acne Naturally

Things To Do To Get Rid of Blackheads

Squezzing blackheads may be fun for some moment but also can be very painful. So the very first for getting rid of blackheads is through moistuising the skin with the right moisturizer (also read : 7 of The Best Drugstore Face Moisturizers) A salicylic acid contain moisturizer is a great bet for dissolving blackheads away. Retinoid skin creams also one of useful way to get rid of blackheads. And here are some tips that you need to do to get rid of blackheads:

1Exfoliate Skin

How to Properly Exfoliate Your Skin | Dermstore Blog

Exfoliating your skin it’s basic skincare routine you should have to take at least once in a week. Use anatural or cosmetics scrub, that suit with your skin type to slough off grime and the deasd skin cell. Concentrate on the blackhead-infested area to help you get rid of blackheads.

2. Facials

facial at home

Doing facials regularly will help you to curb blackheads and get clean skin. It’s also refreshing way to get rid of any impurities and excessive oil on your face and restore the skin’s glow.

Our best recommendation for facial mask:

Facial Mask

3. Invest in the right products

Invest in the right productsIt shouldnot have to be high-end skincare to get free from blackheads or any type of acne but invest to the right products which suitable for your skin the most. Buy non comedogenic products if you have acne-or blackheads prone skin, it’s formulated to not clog the pores.

Read : Amazing Products to Get Rid Of Acne

4. Keep skin clean


You will always attract with dirt all the time specially if you step out of the house. If not cleaned it well, it will lead to the clog pores and increase the chance of bleakheads to form. The same efect with makeup, so make sure to always renove your makeup and wash your face before calling it a day.

5. Clean laundry

Use clean laundry is as important as keeping your skin clean. Especially your pillowcase, blanket and sheet. Because you lie down and interact the most at home with those kind of things. Imagine if you’re not washing your face yet then play with phone on your sheet then those impurities and dirt goes into it, and you sleep on it, these thing if you’re not keep it clean or change it regularly will accumulate and get transferred to skin and clog pores, encouraging blackheads. Make sure to change it at least less than a week.

Also read : 9 Simple and Natural Tips to Have Clear and Flawless Skin

Home Remedies of Get Rid of Blackheads

1. Egge-White Mask

Egg is known with their abilities to tightening the skin, and this one make an effective ingradients for blackheads removal

What You Have To Do

  • whisk one egg white and apply to your (clean) skin.
  • then layer a tissue over your face (but not on your eyes or mouth)
  • apply another layer of egg white.
  • let the mask dry for about 20 minutes and then simply peel it

These are the best face masks to get rid of blackhead.

2. Green Tea

Well you’re not drinking this green tea in order to remove blackhead. What you wanna do is to apply It on your face. Green tea itself is not only good to drink but also rich with antioxidant which can help you to decrease skin’s oil production by direct application.

What You Have To Do

  • mix on teaspoon of dry green tea leaves with one tsp of water
  • massege it into the blackhead-invested area.
  • rinse it off and apply moisturizer.
  • do it 2-3 days a week to get free from blackheads

3. Milk and Honey Pore Strip

Pore strips are one of the popular remedy to get rid of blachead, And you can so it at home with your own ingradients with honey and milk.

What You Have To Do

  • mix 1 tbsp of whole milk with 1 tbsp of organic raw honey
  • microwave for about 10 second, and cool it down
  • applying on effected area then placing a clean cotton strip on top
  • layer it and let it hard for about 15 minutes
  • then gently peel the cotton off.
  • rinse and moisturize your skin

4. Coconut Oil and Sugar Scrub

This one act as natural exfolitor. where sugar will help you to lift up the dead skin on pores and coconut oil act as lubricant and also help to cleanse the pores.

What You Have To Do

  • mix coconut oil and sugar
  • scrub on affected area
  • rinse it well and done

How to Prevent Blackheads ?

  • Make sure use non-comedogenig products by that you low the risk of get the pores clog ang getting blackheads
  • Relive your emotional stress ASAP
  • Make sure to keep your skin clean
  • Avoid sleeping with your makeup
  • Change your pillowcase sheet at lest once a week
  • Avoid high glycemic food (white rice, bread, diary products etc)
  • Don’t wear too tight clothes taht can trap sweat

I hope these tips and remedies will help you to get rid of blackheads. However if your skin has other underlying issues that lead to the recurrence of blackheads please make an appointment to a dermatologisr

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