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Messing with your hair might lead to heartbreaking tragedies. No matter how hilarious this video you are about to see seems, the thought of something like this happening to your hair is disastrous. So, before we let you in on a hearty laugh, here are a few things you should totally avoid when it’s your own hair. (Well, avoid them even if it is someone else’s hair too!)
Don’t forget to watch ‘the most terrible hair fails’ video at the end of this piece. Chances are, these women tried No. 3 and went into instant depression!
10 Things You Should Never Do To Your Hair
Shucks! The hair on your brush after styling is flashing alarm signals in your mind? Tired of the long waits at the cosmetologist, or changing shampoos and conditioners every day? Don’t hasten to blame your genes, rather, just check out these things you should never do to your hair and see the improvement for yourself.
1. Conditioners – Not On The Roots
Shampoos are for the roots and conditioners are for the tips. Use shampoos to remove the dirt and grime on the scalp, but don’t think that the lavish use of conditioners ‘repairs’ the dryness that the shampoos cause. In fact, the extra hydrating and moisturizing capacity of the conditioners keep our scalp oily and prone to more dirt and dandruff, thus maximizing hair fall. So, keep your conditioner only to the tips and never apply it to the roots.
2. Hard Massage – No, No
Massages improve hair growth because they increase blood circulation. But, don’t you hurry to get a vigorous massage done, as it will again promote hair fall. Do only LIGHT oil massages.
3. Caution! Hair Is Wet!
Hair is like elastic, which tends to break when it is wet. So, don’t use combs on wet hair. If you are very particular, use only soft wide-tooth combs.
4. Scarves Are Hot!
You try putting on more of hats and scarves as it not only adds grace to your outfit but protects your hot hair too. Overexposure to the sun causes severe damage to hair and too many correction products are also bad.
5. Cool On Head!
Don’t wash your head with hot water as your hair would gradually become dry and rough. Let your head and hair remain cool…cool and free of damage.
6. Use Heat Protectants!
Whenever you are using hot styling tools, always use a heat protectant so that it creates a shield over your hair and protects the hair shaft from burning. Heat protectants are easily available in the market and should be applied 30 minutes prior to your styling session.
7. From Bottom To Top
Use hair detanglers before brushing. And if you are running short of one, use a wide-toothed comb, starting from the tip of the hair. Do not start brushing your detangled hair from its roots as it might break soon.
8. Only Loose Hairstyles!
You might want to have a hair bun on your head and fix it with half a dozen of pins. Or you might want a tight high ponytail or a tight plait. Granny’s idea of pulling your hair hard so that it increases in length is only a myth. So, say NO to tight braids and buns as they cause hair damage.
9. Aftercare Matters!
You might have colored your hair or gone for some special therapeutic treatments for hair growth. Aftercare is really important when it comes to matters related to shampoos and conditioners. Use only the ones recommended to serve the purpose and ditch your old ones. Remember your hair is growing!
10. How Is Your Hair Brush Looking?
You check the brand and dates of your hair products and move out in style. But ever wondered how your hair brush is looking? Old and worn out? Messy with dirty hair? It is critical that your hair brush also looks clean and fresh if you want beautiful hair.
Your hair must have been yelling at you for all the wrong you have been doing to it. Follow all these 10 tips and get those luscious locks you have always wished for.
And now comes the video that will make you laugh your head out. Our heart goes out to all these women. LOL!