Want the best tips on how to look pretty and how to be more attractive to guys, to husband and even to girls? Find the best tips on how to be more attractive physically and learn how to master your unique beauty. #attractive #howtobemoreattractive #attractivetoguystips #bemoreattractive
#1 Attractive Women Are Honest and Loyal

Loyalty shows your ultimate dedication to a relationship and, most importantly, your respect towards your partner. However, loyalty should not be limited to a romantic relationship. It should also always extend to your friends, family, and those you work with or interact with on a regular basis.
People who are loyal are trustworthy and admired. And there is nothing worse than compulsive liars who try to show off. People can smell it miles away and it doesn’t make you look good quite the contrary.
Being humble and down to earth is crucial to how attractive people perceive you to be.
# 2 Attractive Women Control Their Emotions

Ok, as a Latina myself, this is easier said than done. However, this is also one of the biggest things I personally focus on improving.
Being able to control your emotions is a great way to bring logic into situations where you would normally be overwhelmed and act irrationally (big Latin oops). Furthermore, it’s such a STRONG and attractive trait to be the calm person in a room of panicking people. You have the power to set the standard for yourself and everyone else.
People are attracted to those who can keep their emotions under control, as it also gives them the strength to do so as well.
#3 Attractive Women Are Great Listeners.

Don’t be fooled. This trait is a very rare one. Everyone just wants to talk and be heard, but some women will make the effort to listen to their partner’s, friend’s and family’s problems and try to respond to them in a helpful manner.
Not only does this make the other person feel like they’re loved and respected, but that someone genuinely cares for what they have to say.

#4 Beautiful Women Forgive & Learn From Their Mistakes.

Awareness, self-reflection, and self-improvement are great qualities of attractive women. These women know how to forgive people easily and they don’t keep grudges against others, no matter how badly they’ve been hurt.
These women know that keeping grudges only brings them down and they always strive for a happier, lighter lifestyle.
A huge part of their growth is learning from past mistakes instead of regretting them. These women are always willing to grow and push themselves to become better people.
#5 They Know How To Stay Positive.

Positivity of mind, body, and soul is crucial in life for both your physical and mental health.
A lot of women have mental health issues, anxiety, and are going into depression because they have a certain difficulty perceiving the positive aspects of life, choosing to focus solely on the negative things.
This can be quite toxic and once you are inside the wheel of negativity, it can be really hard to get out.
It is important to be mindful to be positive and keep encouraging yourself, congratulating your small achievements, and never comparing to others (ever).
Remember: you’re your biggest cheerleader. Being positive helps you achieve your goals and is one for the most attractive quality to have not only as a woman but as a person.
#6 They are not afraid to follow their heart and do what they love.

Do you know that tingling feeling in our heart whenever something does not feel right? It seems women really have a 6th sense when it comes to their hearts. Ever heard of mothers who can feel when something is wrong with their kids, even when they are miles apart? Or those women who know they are being cheated on even though there is no hard evidence?
Many times I ignored my heart and life bit me in the ass.
Remember to prioritize yourself. Do what makes YOU happy. I cannot stress this enough. The world we live in is too cynical and critical, and women should NOT depend on others to be happy.
Whether you have a constant feeling that you’re not in the right relationship, or that you should quit your job, our woman’s 6th sense will always be there telling us what to do. We simply need to learn how to interpret what our heart is trying to communicate.
Listen to your heart!
#7 Attractive Women Smile Often

Smiling not only emits positivity and happiness, but also a level of confidence. Being able to convey a smile throughout the day, even when things get tough, is one of the most attractive traits that people can have.
People don’t like someone who is grumpy. Think about it, ever walked to a counter to be greeted by a grumpy woman behind it?
How did you feel about it?
Alternatively, how do you feel when you walk into a hotel and the receptionist opens a smile from one ear to the other?
Smiling is a trait that automatically makes you more attractive and approachable. Smiling is also said to keep you healthy, sane, and positive.
So, smile and show off that confidence and prettiness to the world… And who knows you might make a new friend or meet your future partner because they fell for your smile.
#8 These Women Are Problem Solvers.

Attractive women tend to be problem solvers, both for themselves and for others. They are good-hearted people who care about their partner, friends, and family’s issues and goes out of their way to help them find a solution.
You know you can count on these women for everything in life, as they will always go out of their way to help you out of a mess.