1. Don’t sleep in all day
I know Sunday is a time off and a day for relaxing, but you don’t and you shouldn’t have to spend your sunday in a revenge-mode by sleeping in all day just to make up for the mornings that have already gone.
Wake up a little later than your usual time, but don’t waste your time in bed any longer than you know you should in your heart.
Make up for the self care time you couldn’t give to yourself instead.
There are many things to do on a sunday (which you’ll know in the coming points) and if you actually want a productive, wonderful and hassle free week, you can’t afford to sleep in all day.
I can say this because if I wake up too late on a Sunday, I know I won’t be able to plan my week better.
Check out this post for action steps to become a morning person. Also, here is my morning routine before 8 am
2. Review the past week
I talk about annual reviews and monthly reviews, but a good sunday habit is also to review the past week.
It immediately breaks the month into weeks and as in an annual review or monthly review, you can ask the same thing for your weekly review:
- What did I do well this week?
- What didn’t I do well this week?
- How do I want to improve the new week?
P.S 10 questions to help you plan your year
12 things to do at the start of new month
3. Stretch your body
Even if you don’t have the habit of exercising, you can just start with stretching on a Sunday for 10 minutes.
When you start liking it, you can start with light exercises for 2 days a week, then upgrade to 3 days a week.
I exercise all through the week, but Sundays are for light stretching only for 10 minutes. I have to move my body because it makes me feel recharged and refreshed.
If you want to know how I get the motivation to exercise everyday, here is my post on How I made myself love working out.
4. Don’t work
Sundays are for time off, and if you’re a workaholic like me, you need to force yourself to take your time off and not to do anything related to work on a Sunday.
As simple as this sounds, this is actually difficult. Especially for someone who constantly has to be engaged or updated or an enterprenuer who actually has no off days.
For me I don’t consider blog as work (which actually has a lot of work to do), so I end up doing them even on Sundays.
This is something I am trying to stop from doing or even if I do some work, I want to limit it to doing only at a specific time block and not spread it throughout the day.
5. Write down your weekly goals and to-do list
Take out your planner and write down your goals for the week. Make sure to not set too many goals or else you’ll forget.
Just keep one or maximum two weekly goal for yourself.
If you want to start a new habit for 21 days or 30 days, its good to start by setting weekly goals as 7 days is easier to stick with.
Also note down your to-do list. Write down all the tasks that need to be done in the week ahead.
Here are 10 lists to make your life better organized
6. Plan your week
Once you’ve set down your weekly goals and to-do list, plan out your week for WHEN you want to get them done.
I put the WHEN in capitals because it is really important. Simply noting down what you want to do or have to do isn’t sufficient. You need to get clear on the ‘when’ and ‘what time’. Thats how scheduling is done.
Here are some things to include in your weekly plan:
- Any appointments
- Office meetings
- Dates or time out with friends
- When and what time you plan to exercise
- When and what time you plan on doing a new habit
- Social media content for the week etc.
7. Prepare your weekly budget
Every Sunday check your money situation and prepare your weekly budget.
I read this post on why a monthly budget is so yesterday and why we must set a weekly budget, and have been applying it since.
I set out a separate weekly budget for grocery and a separate weekly budget for my personal and fun expenses, and it has actually been much easier to manage my money.
Even though there is a lot of progress to be made, I am getting a little better at tracking my money on a weekly basis.
8. Prepare and prep your meal
I am really excited to follow this starting this week. I know this is going to be so helpful for me because thinking about what to eat every single day is such a hassle.
I usually didn’t have to worry about preparing meals because my mum cooked for me, but now I am living alone in a city, so I am now forced to cook for myself.
I am now going to plan out all meals before hand for each day of the week along with what fruits and vegatables I am going to eat so that I have a balanced diet.
I know this will make my mum so happy!
Here are some popular lunch meal prep ideas to try.
And here are meal planner printables to help you plan your meals.
9. Go grocery shopping
Every Sunday check out the items you are in need of for the meals you are going to prepare.
Also check out what items are about to get over and fill your kitchen up for the week ahead.
Try doing grocery shopping only on Sunday.
This not only helps to keep track of your grocery expenses better, but also saves you time and energy as you don’t have to go out everytime you run out of stock in the middle of the week which is such a hassle!
10. Pick your outfits for the week
This is another Sunday habit I started from this week is pick my outfits of the week for work. With the pandemic we were all working from home.
But now that everything is restored, I have come back to my workplace in Kolkata. Every morning I have to decide what to wear and then spend 10 minutes ironing my clothes.
Picking out outfits for the week, ironing them out and hanging each outfit of the day in my hanger is something I plan to continue doing from this week. You can start the same.
I am already loving this prospect of saving time.
11. Declutter, clean your home & do laundry
Having a clean and tidy home makes me feel fresh and my mind lighter. I love to start a new week in a fresh and tidy home and I love the feeling.
Keep a certain block of time decluttering and cleaning your home and doing laundry is another great sunday habits to start.
I don’t have the time in the morning for cleaning my house, and I am sure it is the same for you, but I do have the habit of immediately making my bed after waking up in the morning, and cleaning the dishes after use.
But actually cleaning my home is something I do only on Sundays.
Here are somethings to declutter and clean to get started:
- Clean your purse
- Clean your bag
- Clean your fridge
- Change your bedsheets
- Declutter your drawer
- Declutter your desk
- Clean one corner of the home
12. Enjoy some me-time
Lastly, after you’ve done preparing for the week ahead, also enjoy some quality me-time.
Find your own way(s) to indulge in your me-time, but do it intentionally.
Here are some me-time ideas to enjoy on a Sunday.
My favourite is to just relax and take a nap, get cozy and watch series in a clean and tidy room, painting, going out for a walk and reading.
Wrapping up on Sunday Habits to start
So these were the sunday habits will not only make your week productive, but will help you have a wonderful, hassle free and stress free week.
To rewind here they are:
- Don’t sleep in all day
- Review the past week
- Stretch your body
- Don’t work
- Write down your weekly goals and to-do list
- Plan your week
- Prepare a weekly budget
- Prepare and prep your meal
- Go grocery Shopping
- Pick your outfits for the week
- Declutter and clean your home
- Enjoy some me-time
If you apply even some of these sunday habits I am sure that this will keep your energy intact even by the end of the week and excited to do better in the next week
I hope you enjoy doing them.
Happy Sunday!
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