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How To Look Younger: 14 Easy Ways You Can Start On Today!

woman looking up with text overlay how to look younger 14 easy ways you can start today

Look Younger & Defy Your Age With 14 Easy Ways You Can Actually Start Today!

Now, we all know age is “nothing but a number,” but let’s face it, most of us want to look as young as we possibly can for as long as we possibly can, right?? I know I do!!! And I’ll be the first to admit it. 😉

Yes, there is beauty in aging… a profound beauty that comes with being a woman, experiencing growth in each decade of our lives. We are now wiser, stronger, and more empowered in our feminine ways.

In fact, I would have quite a few things to tell my “younger” self if I could time-travel back to my early 20’s. Things like, “girl, don’t sweat the small stuff, this too shall pass.” (Don’t we all wish we could do that?)

However, there’s also no real harm in wanting to look and feel our best, right? And if shaving off a few years does that for you, I say embrace it and know that you’re certainly not alone!

I’m in my forties, although just the other day a sweet woman next to me on the plane asked me which school I go to. Bless her heart, if she only knew my college years were from ‘96 to 2000. Needless to say, I absolutely LOVED the compliment!!  And rest assured, after receiving one like that, I plan to continue to do everything in my power to prevent and reduce aging for as long as I can.

So, if you are at all like me, looking to give “Father Time,” a real run for his money, you are in for a treat! I’ve compiled a list of 14 simple ways to look younger, suggested by beauty fans and industry experts in top editorial magazines.

What You Can Expect From This List…

Some of these options will be quick fixes (don’t you just love those), while others may take a little more time to see your full results, but ALL of these options are things you can easily begin working on as soon as today! Best of all, a few of these are things you can do without putting a major dent in your wallet!

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woman's neck and chin with text overlay look younger and defy your age 14 ways you can actually start today

14 Ways To Look Younger & Defy Your Age!

Ok, let’s begin!! This list covers quite a few areas, everything from makeup to hair, cellulite, body care, skin, wardrobe, and more! I also breakdown some helpful ways you can start working on each today!

1- Add Some Lengthy Flutter!!

Nothing says youthful and flirty like lashes!! As we age, our eyes can begin to appear smaller, due to the changes in our skin, like loss of firmness and that infamous droop. Don’t you hate gravity sometimes?? Additionally, our lashes tend to lose their length.

To counter each of these issues and look younger, you want to focus on curling and lengthening those lashes.

Curled lashes can rather shockingly take a good 5 to 10 years off droopy eyes by creating a quick lifting effect. This also helps to open up the eye area, so your eyes don’t appear quite as small.

Secondly, by using a fabulous lengthening mascara, you also open up that eye area (making eyes appear larger), give a lift to the droop, and tackle that case of shortening lashes.

woman's eye as she applies mascara with text overlay 14 ways to look younger

PRO APPLICATION TIPS: Starting at the very base of your lashes (roots of your lashes), just wiggle your mascara wand and move upward and through the tips as you apply. You also want to pay special attention to the outer corners of your eyes, with a few extra swipes for an outer flirty lifting effect

How Can You Get Started Working On This Today??

First, invest in a good lash curler and mascara… Check out these recommendations for the best curlers and mascaras!

BEST Mascaras + Lash Curlers Based On Beauty Reviews:

Related: How To Apply Mascara Properly: 23 Insider Tips & Tricks – Check it out for more best-selling mascaras based on different lash goals!

the best eyeshadow colors for different eye colors cheat sheets

2- Create The Illusion Of Fullness

As our lashes get shorter with age, they also become more sparse and thin. But worry not… a super-easy way to look younger, give the illusion of thicker lashes, and enhance your eyes all at once is to try lining just the upper waterline of your eye (aka tightlining)!!

How Can You Get Started Working On This Today??

Using your eyeliner pencil, fill in the inside of your upper lash line and between the roots of your upper lashes (all the tiny spaces you see between the hairs of your lashes). The goal is to try to get as close to the actual roots of your eyelashes as possible and fill in any sparse areas.  

**For even more drama, you can try and line above the lashes as well, but keep the line thin.

close up view of a woman's eye and eyelashes with text overlay 14 ways to look younger create the illusion of fullness

PRO TIP: For a volumizing mascara that gives you fuller-looking lashes while also strengthening your lashes(it uses peptides and biotin to strengthen them), try this one from IT Cosmetics!!

Want More Makeup Tips To Look Younger??

3- Get Some Pearly Whites!

A brighter smile can literally take those years off!! Stains and yellowing can make you look older than your chronological age. But luckily, getting those pearly whites can be easy peasy with an at-home whitening system.

woman with before and after from whitening her teeth with text overlay fourteen ways to look younger

How Can You Get Started Working On This Today??

This may not be a quick fix option, but selecting and starting on a whitening system today will get you a step closer to that bright, beaming smile!! You could also just start using a whitening rinse or toothpaste today to help, while you take some time to decide on which full system you want to use.

BEST Whitening Systems & Products Based On Beauty Reviews:

These come with a bonus!!! Who doesn’t like extras right?? You get 20 of the Professional Effects treatment strips and 2 of the 1-hour Express treatments!! These come highly recommended by editors and raving Amazon customers!! Just look at the before and after pics!!!

If you’re looking for something easy without the hassle of strips, trays, or setting a timer, this gel is certainly your best bet! It’s more powerful than whitening toothpaste and suitable for those with teeth sensitivity. You just use it twice a day with your toothpaste. You’ll notice changes as fast as the first few days!

While this option is on the pricey side compared to the previous whitening products, it is definitely the way to go if you want professional-level results without a trip to the dentist’s office! Top aesthetic dentists from New York were behind the development of this luxury tool for quick 8-minute treatments. Got sensitive teeth?? You don’t have to worry with this pick, beauty!!

4- Give Your Locks Some TLC

Dry, dull, brittle, or damaged hair can add years to your mane! So, to help take a few years off your tresses and counter these issues, you should focus on giving your hair a little extra attention and special care.

woman washing her hair with text overlay 14 ways to look younger
  • Start using a deep conditioning treatment or hair mask once a week.
  • When you’re washing your hair, complete the process with a cold water rinse at the end. This will help give it some shine and seal the hair shaft for the ultimate smoothness!

How Can You Get Started Working On This Today??

Additional BEST Conditioning & Mask Products Based On Beauty Reviews:

Related: The 7 Most MIRACULOUS Conditioners For Dry Hair Repair

5- Add Foods With “Healthy Fats” To Your Diet (To Look Younger Naturally)

While an apple a day may or may not necessarily keep the doctor away, consuming healthy fats can keep those signs of aging at bay

Healthy fats assist with your skin’s moisture barrier for plumper-looking skin and prevent inflammation. Add more salmon, avocado, nuts (like walnuts), extra virgin, olive oil, and seeds (hemp seeds, flaxseeds, pumpkin seeds) to your diet!

examples of healthy fats like salmon and avocado wirh text overlay 14 ways to look younger

How Can You Get Started Working On This Today??

Start working on your grocery list and thinking about ways to add healthy fats each week. Could you add salmon to your meal plan once a week? Maybe you add avocado to your morning smoothie?

Take some nuts and seeds with you to work as a mid-day snack? Could you add walnuts to a salad this week? Start planning your meals for next week and figuring out when you can add in these suggestions.

6- Give Your Hair A “Bang-ING” Update

Try soft, long flattering bangs! They can be playful and instantly give you a more youthful look. Bangs also help by hiding lines and wrinkles on the forehead and softening your face.

woman brushing her hair with text overlay 14 ways to look younger

How Can You Get Started Working On This Today??

Start looking for photos of different celebrities with bangs you like. One quick way is to use google images. Type in “celebrities’ long bangs” (you could also add the year for the most current trends).

Compile a list of several options that you can take to your hairdresser. Get your hairdresser’s input on which ones might look good with your face.

7- Try Cutting Back On The Salt 

Extra sodium in your diet can cause water retention and a puffy, bloated appearance, which can, unfortunately, make you look older.

How Can You Get Started Working On This Today??

  • Make a grocery list and include pepper, onion powder, and garlic powder. When cooking your food this week, anytime you are tempted to use salt use a combo of these three spices instead. You could also use a salt-free Mr’s Dash spice blend.
  • Eat out less this week and commit to cooking at home more instead.

8- Limit The Alcohol

Alcohol dehydrates your skin and can also cause puffiness that can make you look bloated and seemingly age you overnight. So try to avoid excess and drink in moderation. And if you do opt for a beverage of choice, choose red wine (it’s good for the heart).

woman drinking wine with text overlay 14 ways to look younger

How Can You Get Started Working On This Today??

Roughly how often do you have a drink each week? When do you drink, is it a glass of wine with dinner? Only on the weekends and for social events? First, figure out your basic weekly drinking pattern.

Now, how much are you willing to cut back each week? Decide what’s realistic for you and your life and commit to it starting today.

9- Relocate Your Part

Often with age, our hair can become thinner, and if you’ve been parting it in the same location for years, it may be time for a little change-up.

How Can You Get Started Working On This Today??

Try switching to the other side, a zig-zag part, or smack dab in the middle (just as long as it’s in a new location). Go with the option that looks most flattering. Just this simple step is a great way to give the illusion of hair that looks and feels thicker. 

10- Give Those Hands Some Extra Lovin’ Too

We often overlook or forget our hands when we follow a skincare routine, focusing on the lines, wrinkles, and age spots on our faces.  But don’t leave them out! Giving them some extra care can keep them from inadvertently adding a few years on to your perceived age.

woman rubbing lotion on her hands with text overlay 14 ways to look younger

How Can You Get Started Working On This Today??

Start lotioning them up daily, especially after you wash your hands. Also, pay particular attention to the back of them. Lastly, look for lotions with humectants like hyaluronic acid or glycerin to keep them hydrated longer and reduce the loss of moisture!!

11- Exfoliate + Hydrate Your Body Down To Those Toes!

With age, our skin becomes drier and duller (from the accumulation of dead skin cells piling up). Unfortunately, both tend to make us look older. To effectively combat both, try exfoliating (at the very least) once a week and always apply a deeply hydrating moisturizer right after.

PRO Tip: For your toes, don’t forget to hydrate your cuticles with an oil like this one.

How Can You Get Started Working On This Today??

If you don’t have the right products, first pick an exfoliating wash or scrub and moisturizer. But if you’ve got one already, tonight get started! Light some candles, take a bath, or a shower, and get to scrubbing! While your skin is still slightly damp, apply your moisturizer to seal in some moisture.

12- Add Some Color To Your Wardrobe

As we age, our complexions become paler. So, sometimes just adding in a warm, vibrant color can make a world of difference brightening up your skin for a healthier and more youthful look. Think red, pink, orange, etc., these colors are flattering on most everyone!!

woman in a bright colored dress with text overlay 14 ways to look younger add some color to your wardrobe

How Can You Get Started Working On This Today??

Figure out your best colors. Think back on when you last got a compliment. What were you wearing? Ask a friend what color they think looks good on you? Then, look in your closet, do you have anything in red, pink, or orange that is currently still in style? Wear it tomorrow!!

13- Do You Suffer From Cellulite??

Oh, to have my youthful thighs again!! Cellulite is another one of those things that can get worse as we age.

Well, here are a few things that may help! Of course, keep in mind these options won’t permanently banish cellulite, they will, however, reduce the appearance a bit temporarily. But hey, that’s better than nothing, right??!!

  • Using a cream with caffeine regularly can be downright miraculous! Caffeine causes dilation of the blood vessels, which creates a tightened and toned effect with the tissue.
  • It’s possible that exfoliating your skin with a scrub could help due to the massage-like motion that comes with an exfoliating process. It can assist with general circulation in those areas. Plus, the grainy-like texture of the scrub can give you smoother-looking skin.
woman grabbing cellulite on the back of her thighs with text overlay 14 ways to look younger

How Can You Get Started Working On This Today??

Invest in an excellent exfoliant and caffeine-based cream! Check out one of Elle magazine’s recommendations that happens to be loved by users below!

BEST Cellulite Cream (With Caffeine) Based On Beauty Reviews:

My Personal All-Time Favorite Cream (With Caffeine):

It helps to smooth out your skin which definitely over time makes your cellulite less visible. Plus, the scent of this cream is not like anything I’ve ever smelled before!!! It’s absolutely heavenly and a rather addictive aroma that my boyfriend loves too hahaha 🙂 Seriously it smells so incredible that I’ve started using it all over my body, not just on cellulite…lol

14- Get Quality Sleep + On Your Back

Lack of sleep takes a toll on our faces, from undereye circles to puffiness, eye bags, and even speeding up the aging process with fine lines and wrinkles.

While we sleep, our body produces HGH (human growth hormone) which, helps with your cell turnover, collagen, and elastin. Alternatively, lack of sleep causes our bodies to produce too much cortisol which, breaks down the collagen in your skin.

So first, you want to focus on getting quality sleep a bare minimum of 7 hours a night. And secondly, you want to start sleeping on your back.

Why on your back?? If you sleep face down or on your side, your body weight and the overnight pressure on your face can deepen your expression lines and wrinkles, as well as make them far more pronounced.

woman sleeping with text overlay 14 ways to look younger

How Can You Get Started Working On This Today??

Tonight go to bed earlier enough to where you can get a full 7 or 8 hours of sleep. Start on your back and if you wake up finding your position has shifted in the middle of the night, just turn yourself back upright again.

Now, if you still find sleeping on your back a tad bit difficult and always wind up sleeping face down or on your side (no matter what), I highly recommend using a Slip silk pillowcase like this one.

It was created with fabulous anti-aging benefits and helps prevent those bothersome face creases that form from sleeping on a regular pillow. You’ll notice a huge improvement in both your skin and your hair from using this nightly, guaranteed!

Struggling with insomnia?? Check out these tips and products to help you get better sleep!!


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Age-Defying Tips To Look Younger: The Wrap-Up!!

I hope this list has given you some new ideas that you are excited to try. From makeup to hair, skin, teeth, and wardrobe, there really are quite a few ways to create a more youthful appearance. So don’t be afraid to give some of these ideas a whirl and see how they work for you!

picture of woman side by side with aging skin and text overlay how to look younger 14 easy ways you can actually start today

Have you tried any of these tips before? Do you have any you can add? Please leave a comment below; I’d love to hear what your experience has been or what you’ve found works particularly well for you!

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