It’s all about your skin. I’ve always been someone who likes to look natural, and during my early twenties, that meant no makeup. But now that I’m older and have more responsibilities (and more wrinkles!), it’s become even more important for me to make sure I’m looking fresh-faced and youthful every single day. But the truth is, I don’t really enjoy wearing makeup. It takes too long! It’s too expensive!
It makes my skin break out!
Luckily, there are a few easy tricks you can use to achieve this without any fancy skincare products or makeup knowledge:
Drink Water
- Drinking water can help your skin stay hydrated and keep it looking younger.
- Drinking water can help with weight loss.
- Drinking water helps with your hair and nails, too! Water helps keep them strong and healthy so they look great all the time.
Skin Care Routine
- Wash your face morning and night. Your skin is the largest organ of your body, so it can get dirty easily. Make sure to cleanse with a gentle cleanser that won’t strip your skin of its natural oils.
- Use toner after washing. This will help balance out the pH level in your skin and make it less prone to breakouts. Also use hydrating toners for dry areas on your face like around the nose or on forehead lines/laugh lines (if you’re old enough). And remember not all toners are created equal: some have ingredients that could cause irritation if there’s already damage from previous products like retinols or AHAs (don’t worry about those unless u have been using them for months)
- Apply moisturizer after cleansing because it helps lock moisture into our bodies which is essential for keeping healthy looking skin! The best time to apply moisturizer would be right before going to sleep since our bodies repair damaged cells during this time – so treatment products work best under these conditions
- If you still want some sort of exfoliation but don’t want anything harsh then try using an apricot scrub every few days instead! This is another great way to remove dead cells without drying out too much
Plus they smell delicious! So eat one afterwards if you want
Get Some Rest
Sleep is one of the most important things you can do for your health, and it’s also one of the easiest to neglect. On average, Americans sleep 6 hours less than they did in 1889 and 10 hours less than they did in 1910. With all these extra waking hours, we could be getting more done, but instead we’re just tired—and our exhaustion causes us to make bad decisions that affect not just ourselves but other people as well.
Sleep affects how you look because it helps muscles recover from the day’s stressors so that when you wake up in the morning your face will look smooth and fresh instead of puffy or droopy (yay!). And when you’re well rested after a good night’s rest, your body releases endorphins which are natural chemicals that promote happiness and relaxation (double yay!). These hormones also cause blood vessels near your eyes to dilate which gives them an appearance of being brighter too!
Moisturizing is one of the most important things you can do for your skin. If you don’t moisturize, your skin will become dry and flaky, which leads to more wrinkles and other signs of aging.
To get started with your daily routine, choose a facial moisturizer (or a body lotion) that has been formulated specifically for your skin type. For example, if you have oily or acne-prone skin, then look for an oil-free formula labeled as “non-comedogenic” (meaning it won’t clog pores). Also make sure that the product contains sunscreen — even if it’s not labeled as such — because all types of sun exposure will damage the DNA in our cells over time.
Moisturizers are available in different forms: creams, lotions and gels tend to be lighter while serums provide more intense hydration but may be greasier than other formulations. The best rule of thumb is to experiment with several brands until finding one that works best for you!
As we’ve established, exercise helps you look good without makeup. But it also has a lot of other benefits, too:
- Exercise helps you look good in general by improving your muscle tone and skin elasticity.
- It makes you feel better about yourself because it gives your body the chance to release endorphins—the feel-good hormones that make us happy! And feeling happy is always attractive. (Like being in love.)
- Exercising regularly will help you sleep better at night, which means that the next day when someone sees you without makeup on (and especially when they get closer), they’ll notice how well rested and fresh-looking your skin is compared to theirs! The best part? You don’t have to wear makeup for this effect; just practice a regular workout routine!
Here’s how I got started with exercising: I started out by walking around my neighborhood during my lunch break every day instead of taking a nap or eating lunch at my desk like I usually did before starting my second job (which wasn’t very fun). Now that was an improvement for sure—in fact,’it was such an improvement that soon after walking became part of my daily routine.’
Eat Healthy
To look good without makeup, you have to start with a healthy diet. It is recommended that you eat lots of fresh fruit and vegetables, healthy fats and lean proteins. You should also reduce or eliminate sugary foods and alcohol from your diet because they can cause acne or rosacea.
If you want to eat healthy food that is good for your skin, then try eating foods such as salmon which contains omega-3 fatty acids which help fight inflammation in the body. Avocados are full of vitamin E which helps keep skin smooth and soft by preventing free radicals from damaging collagen in the skin’s dermis layer.
Another thing that people often forget about when trying to improve their appearance is hair health! There are many vitamins that can be found naturally in fruits and vegetables (A & C) but if those aren’t enough there are also supplements available at any pharmacy store nearby!
These tips will help you achieve glowing skin that looks great without makeup.
Looking your best is a matter of taking care of yourself. And you don’t have to spend hours in the bathroom or go on an expensive shopping spree to look pretty without makeup—you just need to do some good old-fashioned self-care.
- Drink water and get enough sleep. Hydration helps skin stay soft and supple, while sleep gives it time to repair itself from the day’s wear and tear.
- Moisturize with SPF (sunscreen). Sun exposure makes skin age faster, so make sure you’re wearing sunscreen every day; this will help prevent wrinkles as well as other visible signs of aging like brown spots and fine lines around the eyes (source: Mayo Clinic).
- Exercise regularly for glowing skin that looks great without makeup! Exercise stimulates blood flow in your body, which improves circulation throughout all parts including your face—and because blood carries oxygen, this means more nutrients getting into those cells that need them most! So even though working out might seem like a chore sometimes… it’ll actually give you better-looking skin faster than anything else we’ve mentioned here today
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